Clean Sweep Auctions Item: 0000681420 -- Lot #648 Grab Bag Lot of 4,100 Autographs Cond: 8

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Clean Sweep Auctions All-Sport Roadshow Is Coming Back to Kansas City May 3-4,2024

Lot #648 Grab Bag Lot of 4,100 Autographs Cond: 8

Item ID: 681420 INV ID: Watch Listing

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Item Has Ended

755008 has won 1 item(s) with a winning bid of $3,076 Winning Bid: $3076.00
Final Sale Price: $3691.20

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Estimated Shipping:*

  • In U.S. - $62.50

*Estimated Shipping includes $5.00 minimum shipping charge. When you win more than one item, this fee is only charged once. Estimated Shipping does not include insurance, which is 2% of your total order for the first $1,000, then 1.4% non the remaining total. Estimated Shipping is discounted for multiple lots when the lots are the same size. These estimates are for shipping in the New York Tri-State area, additional charges apply based on distance and other countries.

Current Time: 4/25/2024 12:01:05 PM EST
Listed: Tuesday September 15, 2020 3:05 AM EST
Ending: Thursday October 15, 2020 3:05 AM EST
Item Has Ended


Bid Information

Initial Bids: Your first bid on a lot must be placed by 8 PM Eastern time on the day of the auction end, unless you have bid on 10 or more different lots.

Starting Bid: $100
Current Bid: $3,076 by --
Next Bid: Bidding has closed.
Bid Increment: $308
Bids: 34 (History)
Reserve Status: This item has no Reserve.


Listing Details

Occupying two boxes, this is a large hodge podge of autographed flats. Sold strictly as-is, our consignor did the count, we cannot guarantee it. A dream lot for many autograph dealers or collectors, the signatures go back to the 1930s. This lot likely has over 100 HOF singles and includes other sports and entertainment but should be 90% baseball. The lot has signed 8x10s, 3x5s, postcards, photos, checks, programs, team sheets, handwritten letters, GPCs, cuts, autograph album pages and so much more. There are some better signatures here at a quick glance, including Pepper Martin, George Sisler and Rudy York. We will have many of the better items pictured on our website. One would think that there would have to be thousands of dollars in breakdown value here at a minimum. This lot can be an instant autograph inventory for the right dealer! JSA LOAA.

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