Clean Sweep Auctions Item: 0000681564 -- Lot #792 Album Page Six 1940s Autograph Albums with good content (258 sigs) Cond: 9

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Lot #792 Album Page Six 1940s Autograph Albums with good content (258 sigs) Cond: 9

Item ID: 681564 INV ID: Watch Listing

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22121 has won 1 item(s) with a winning bid of $757 Winning Bid: $757.00
Final Sale Price: $908.40

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Current Time: 4/28/2024 8:20:12 AM EST
Listed: Tuesday September 15, 2020 3:05 AM EST
Ending: Thursday October 15, 2020 3:05 AM EST
Item Has Ended


Bid Information

Initial Bids: Your first bid on a lot must be placed by 8 PM Eastern time on the day of the auction end, unless you have bid on 10 or more different lots.

Starting Bid: $150
Current Bid: $757 by --
Next Bid: Bidding has closed.
Bid Increment: $76
Bids: 17 (History)
Reserve Status: This item has no Reserve.


Listing Details

Quality lot of six original autograph albums, these were all signed in the 1940s, with careful notations. These were signed at Broadway shows, television shows, cultural events etc by a serious autograph hound in New York City. Most are inscribed to Florence, the autographs are terrific overall. There could well be some buried treasure here as we could not identify many of the autographs. These better signatures are in the lot: Brian Aherne, Sara Allgood, Judith Anderson, Eddie Arnold, Ralph Bellamy, Charles Bickford, Kitty Carlisle, Bud Collyer, Katharine Cornell, Buster Crabbe, Crummit/Sanderson, Linda Darnell (D'65), Maurice Evans, Edith Fellows, Jane Froman, Paulette Goddard, Phil Harris, Hugh Herbert (D'52), Willie Howard (D'1949), George Jessel, Otto Kruger, Anita Louise, Helen Mack, Raymond Massey, Victor Moore, Victor Moore, Conrad Nagel, Erin O'Brien-Moore, Olsen/Johnson, Jane Pickens, Zasu Pitts, Alan Reed, Kay Thompson, Arthur Treacher, Clifton Webb, Michael Whalen and Teresa Wright. JSA LOAA.

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