Clean Sweep Auctions - Search - 1960 to 1969

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Home > CARDS & RELATED (8736) > Football Cards and Memorabilia (1133) > 1960 to 1969 (305)

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More Categories in 1960 to 1969


$37 50

$15 00

$15 00

$18 75

$15 00

$30 00

$30 00

$30 00

$22 50

$27 00

$56 25

$22 50

$60 00

$33 75

$13 50

$13 50

$15 00

$45 00

$18 00

$18 00

$150 00

$30 00

$22 50

$36 00

$45 00

$22 50

$18 75

$15 00

$56 25

$15 75

$18 00

$18 00

$112 50

$33 75

$37 50

$48 75

$67 50

$67 50

$67 50

$90 00

$15 00

$26 25

$33 75

$67 50

$30 00

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